Sunday, May 26, 2013
Clinton War Memorial Doughboy
#MemorialDay West End Avenue becomes 11th and at 54th street De Witt Clinton Park 5.83 acres overlooking the Hudson.
Clinton War Memorial Doughboy Sculptor: Burt W. Johnson Architect: Harvey W. Corbett Description: Standing figure (over life size) with integral plinth, on pedestal Materials: Bronze, North Jay granite Dimensions: H: 12' W: 4'8" D: 4'8" Cast: ca. 1927 Dedicated: November 11, 1929 Donor: Clinton District Memorial Association.
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Friday, May 24, 2013
Liberace's Rhinestone Roadster
Liberace's famous ride was created in the style of a Duesenberg Roadster for his finales during performances at Radio City Music Hall in 1986. It was adorned with thousands of rhinestones to match the ice blue costume and Rhinestone Baldwin Grand Piano. Additional customization includes a Chevrolet 350 engine and chassis.
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Monday, May 20, 2013
Egyptian Wild Cat
Wild cat from tomb number 3 at Beni Hasan. The tomb of Khnumhotep II, one of the most notable at Beni Hasan, dates to the early 12th Dynasty (1991-1783 BCE) which is in the Middle Kingdom. The deceased was a high official of the ancient administrative area, the Oryx. His titles include Overseer of the Eastern Desert (he held this position from Year 19 of Amenemhet II until at least Year 6 of Senwosret II), Hereditary Prince, Count of Menat Khufu, Overseer of priests.
From Graphic Work of the Egyptian Expedition. Author Norman de Garis Davies. Publisher 1911-1933., 1911. Original from Harvard University. Digitized Jul 3, 2008. Length 123 pages
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because it's copyright has expired. This applies to the United States, where Works published prior to 1978 were copyright protected for a maximum of 75 years. See Circular 1 "COPYRIGHT BASICS" PDF. Works published before 1923, in this case 1911, are now in the public domain.
This image is also in the public domain in countries that figure copyright from the date of death of the artist (post mortem auctoris, and that most commonly runs for a period of 50 to 70 years from the last day of that year.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees
Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees. Title: Joe DiMaggio salutes his bat. Date Created/Published: c1941 Dec. 15. Medium: 1 photographic print. Summary: Photograph shows Joe DiMaggio, of the New York Yankees, wearing suit, sitting in a chair, facing slightly right, about to kiss his signature baseball bat. Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-ppmsca-18794 (digital file from original photographic print) LC-USZ62-76272 (b&w film copy neg.)
Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication. No renewal in Copyright office (checked 3/17/88). Call Number: BIOG FILE - DiMaggio, Joe, 1914- [item] [P&P] Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Title: Plenty of basehits in these bats. Washington D.C., July 7. A million dollar base-ball flesh is represented in these sluggers of the two All- Star Teams which met in the 1937 game at Griffith Stadium today. Left to right: Lou Gehrig, Joe Cronin, Bill Dickey, Joe DiMaggio, Charley Gehringer, Jimmie Foxx, and Hank Greenberg, 7/7/37. Creator(s): Harris & Ewing, photographer. Date Created/Published: 1937 July 7. Medium: 1 negative : glass ; 4 x 5 in. or smaller
Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-hec-22989 (digital file from original negative)
Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication. Call Number: LC-H22- D-1887 [P&P] Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication. No renewal in Copyright office (checked 3/17/88). Call Number: BIOG FILE - DiMaggio, Joe, 1914- [item] [P&P] Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Title: Plenty of basehits in these bats. Washington D.C., July 7. A million dollar base-ball flesh is represented in these sluggers of the two All- Star Teams which met in the 1937 game at Griffith Stadium today. Left to right: Lou Gehrig, Joe Cronin, Bill Dickey, Joe DiMaggio, Charley Gehringer, Jimmie Foxx, and Hank Greenberg, 7/7/37. Creator(s): Harris & Ewing, photographer. Date Created/Published: 1937 July 7. Medium: 1 negative : glass ; 4 x 5 in. or smaller
Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-hec-22989 (digital file from original negative)
Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication. Call Number: LC-H22- D-1887 [P&P] Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Satan from The Temptation of Christ Engraving ca. 1500
Description: Detail of Satan from The Temptation of Christ, ca. 1500. Engraving, 22.6 x 16.9 cm. C. 1500. Date: circa 1500. Source: Scan of PD artwork reproduced in book. Author: Master L. Cz. (anonymous German Engraver)
This work is in the public domain in the United States, and those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 100 years or less.
ON THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEVIL. THE word angel as used in Holy Scripture generally implies a spiritual, immortal, intelligent, being, the highest in the scale of Divine creation. Properly speaking, the word ayysXos (angel) expresses rather an office than a nature, and we find the title ascribed to men as well as to spirits in the pages of the Bible. The Hebrew, "J^Vo, as well as the Greek, for angel denotes one sent, a messenger, whether sent by God or man.
In the New Testament, the original word for angel is often rendered messenger, and in proof that men as well as spirits are thus designated it may be sufficient to remark that John the Baptist is thrice called an angel (d-yys\os}—Matt. xi. 10; Mark i. 2; and Luke vii. 27; and the men he sent to Christ when he himself was in prison are ayys\oi—Luke vii. 24. The two men who came to Jericho as spies are by St. James (ii. 25) also called angels; and in Luke ix. 52, when Christ determined to go up to suffer at Jerusalem, the disciples whom He sent to prepare the Passover are called by the Holy Ghost—' messengers (ayye\ot) before His face.'
Bibliographic information: Title: The Satan of Scripture, by a clergyman. Published: 1876. Original from: Oxford University. Digitized: Aug 15, 2006.

Edited image: I, (+sookie tex) the creator of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
If This image is subject to copyright in your jurisdiction, i (+sookie tex) the copyright holder have irrevocably released all rights to it, allowing it to be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise exploited in any way by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, with or without attribution of the author, as if in the public domain.
This work is in the public domain in the United States, and those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 100 years or less.
ON THE PERSONALITY OF THE DEVIL. THE word angel as used in Holy Scripture generally implies a spiritual, immortal, intelligent, being, the highest in the scale of Divine creation. Properly speaking, the word ayysXos (angel) expresses rather an office than a nature, and we find the title ascribed to men as well as to spirits in the pages of the Bible. The Hebrew, "J^Vo, as well as the Greek, for angel denotes one sent, a messenger, whether sent by God or man.
In the New Testament, the original word for angel is often rendered messenger, and in proof that men as well as spirits are thus designated it may be sufficient to remark that John the Baptist is thrice called an angel (d-yys\os}—Matt. xi. 10; Mark i. 2; and Luke vii. 27; and the men he sent to Christ when he himself was in prison are ayys\oi—Luke vii. 24. The two men who came to Jericho as spies are by St. James (ii. 25) also called angels; and in Luke ix. 52, when Christ determined to go up to suffer at Jerusalem, the disciples whom He sent to prepare the Passover are called by the Holy Ghost—' messengers (ayye\ot) before His face.'
Bibliographic information: Title: The Satan of Scripture, by a clergyman. Published: 1876. Original from: Oxford University. Digitized: Aug 15, 2006.

Edited image: I, (+sookie tex) the creator of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013
The City on the Edge of Forever
The City on the Edge of Forever - Astronomical images by NASA (Public Domain). Historical images by Library of Congress (PD). Brownstone, sky and editing by sookietex. #startrek +William Shatner +The Big Bang Theory
I, (+sookie tex) the creator of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
If This image is subject to copyright in your jurisdiction, i (+sookie tex) the copyright holder have irrevocably released all rights to it, allowing it to be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise exploited in any way by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, with or without attribution of the author, as if in the public domain.
Image Credits:
I, (+sookie tex) the creator of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
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Image Credits:
- Saturn 2
- Andromeda galaxy
- Milky Way galaxy
- Camel men & pyramids, Egypt
- The Coliseum [sic]--Rome, Italy
- Sioux Chiefs
- Apollo 17 Gene Cernan
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Tomb of Userhat New Kingdom Dynasty 19 reign of Seti I
TOMB OF WESERHAT, AT THEBES. EAST WALL (DETAIL). THE WIFE AND MOTHER OF WESERHAT. Graphic Work of the Egyptian Expedition. Author Norman de Garis Davies. Publisher 1911-1933., 1911. Original from Harvard University. Digitized Jul 3, 2008. Length 123 pages
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because it's copyright has expired. This applies to the United States, where Works published prior to 1978 were copyright protected for a maximum of 75 years. See Circular 1 "COPYRIGHT BASICS" PDF. Works published before 1923, in this case 1911, are now in the public domain.
This image is also in the public domain in countries that figure copyright from the date of death of the artist (post mortem auctoris, and that most commonly runs for a period of 50 to 70 years from the last day of that year.
The Theban Tomb is located in El-Khokha, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite to Luxor. was the burial place of the Ancient Egyptian named Userhat, who was an Overseer of the royal harem. Userhat dates to the time of Amenhotep III from the middle of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. User hat was the son of the judge Neh and his wife Senenu. Userhat's wife was named Maiay.
Period: New Kingdom Dynasty: Dynasty 19 Reign: reign of Seti I Date: ca. 1294–1279 B.C.. Geography: Country of Origin Egypt, Upper Egypt; Thebes.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because it's copyright has expired. This applies to the United States, where Works published prior to 1978 were copyright protected for a maximum of 75 years. See Circular 1 "COPYRIGHT BASICS" PDF. Works published before 1923, in this case 1911, are now in the public domain.
This image is also in the public domain in countries that figure copyright from the date of death of the artist (post mortem auctoris, and that most commonly runs for a period of 50 to 70 years from the last day of that year.
The Theban Tomb is located in El-Khokha, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite to Luxor. was the burial place of the Ancient Egyptian named Userhat, who was an Overseer of the royal harem. Userhat dates to the time of Amenhotep III from the middle of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. User hat was the son of the judge Neh and his wife Senenu. Userhat's wife was named Maiay.
Period: New Kingdom Dynasty: Dynasty 19 Reign: reign of Seti I Date: ca. 1294–1279 B.C.. Geography: Country of Origin Egypt, Upper Egypt; Thebes.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Pink tulips in Hayden Planetarium Park, Central Park New York, NY.
Pink tulips in Hayden Planetarium Park, Central Park West at 81st street New York, NY. 05/05/13 Image and editing by sookietex :)
The Hayden Planetarium, designed by architects Trowbridge & Livingston, opens in 1935, after its construction is funded by a $650,000 loan from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and a $150,000 donation from banker Charles Hayden of Hayden, Stone & Co.
I, (+sookie tex) the creator of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
If This image is subject to copyright in your jurisdiction, i (+sookie tex) the copyright holder have irrevocably released all rights to it, allowing it to be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise exploited in any way by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, with or without attribution of the author, as if in the public domain.
The Hayden Planetarium, designed by architects Trowbridge & Livingston, opens in 1935, after its construction is funded by a $650,000 loan from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and a $150,000 donation from banker Charles Hayden of Hayden, Stone & Co.
I, (+sookie tex) the creator of this work, hereby release it into the public domain. This applies worldwide. In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right to use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.
If This image is subject to copyright in your jurisdiction, i (+sookie tex) the copyright holder have irrevocably released all rights to it, allowing it to be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, used, modified, built upon, or otherwise exploited in any way by anyone for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, with or without attribution of the author, as if in the public domain.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Second Council of Constantinople
May 5, 553 – The Second Council of Constantinople begins. From May 5 to June 2, 553. Second Council of Constantinople also known as the Fifth Ecumenical Council.
Court of Emperor Justinian I, who initiated the Second Council of Constantinople with (right) archbishop Maximian and (left) court officials and Praetorian Guards; Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy.
This image is in the public domain in countries that figure copyright from the date of death of the artist (post mortem auctoris), in this case, date of creation c547, and that most commonly runs for a period of 50 to 70 years from the last day of that year.
Court of Emperor Justinian I, who initiated the Second Council of Constantinople with (right) archbishop Maximian and (left) court officials and Praetorian Guards; Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy.
This image is in the public domain in countries that figure copyright from the date of death of the artist (post mortem auctoris), in this case, date of creation c547, and that most commonly runs for a period of 50 to 70 years from the last day of that year.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
May day Dancers
Title: May Day festivities, Forest Glen, Md. Date Created/Published: [Washington, D.C. : Leet Bros., c1907]
Medium: 1 photographic print : cyanotype.
Summary: Young women dressed in white, holding flowered boughs, poised for a dance.
Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-107015 (b&w film copy neg.) Call Number: LOT 10023 item [P&P] Notes: H95266 U.S. Copyright Office.
Subjects: National Park Seminary (Forest Glen, Silver Spring, Md.)--Rites & ceremonies--1900-1910. May Day--1900-1910. Rites & ceremonies--Maryland--Silver Spring--1900-1910. Women--Social life--Maryland--Silver Spring--1900-1910. Format: Cyanotypes--1900-1910. Collections: Miscellaneous Items in High Demand
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because it's copyright has expired. This applies to the United States, where Works published prior to 1978 were copyright protected for a maximum of 75 years. See Circular 1 "COPYRIGHT BASICS" PDF. Works published before 1923, in this case c1907, are now in the public domain.
Medium: 1 photographic print : cyanotype.
Summary: Young women dressed in white, holding flowered boughs, poised for a dance.
Reproduction Number: LC-USZ62-107015 (b&w film copy neg.) Call Number: LOT 10023 item [P&P] Notes: H95266 U.S. Copyright Office.
Subjects: National Park Seminary (Forest Glen, Silver Spring, Md.)--Rites & ceremonies--1900-1910. May Day--1900-1910. Rites & ceremonies--Maryland--Silver Spring--1900-1910. Women--Social life--Maryland--Silver Spring--1900-1910. Format: Cyanotypes--1900-1910. Collections: Miscellaneous Items in High Demand
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because it's copyright has expired. This applies to the United States, where Works published prior to 1978 were copyright protected for a maximum of 75 years. See Circular 1 "COPYRIGHT BASICS" PDF. Works published before 1923, in this case c1907, are now in the public domain.
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